Ron's Soaring Page




Dog Pictures

Bird Pictures

Cat Pictures


Why Soaring?  Imagine if you can floating along with nature, no annoying engine, just you and your thoughts, watching, planning, and calculating what to do next. I got the bug in the early sixties, watching a Disney story about soaring. When I was able to pursue soaring, nothing was available close enough to make it worth the travel time and distance. I did some powered flight instead. I enjoyed flying a great deal, but I still had the urge to do the " glider " thing. I finally got my first flight early in the 90's and I loved it, I soon started flying with a soaring club outside of Savannah Georgia. As my luck would have it, I got transferred too far enough away to make it feasible. So, my new plan is to take a few weeks and fly till I pass my private checkride, one shot of soaring. I got a set of plans for a great little fun ship that I am starting to build,a "Woodstock", a Jim Maupin design, but I have hopes to eventually own a higher performance sailplane, probably one of R Schreder's designs. One step at a time. Pictures will be posted as the plans come to fruition


Webmaster: Ron Magliacane                             Last update: March 12, 2001
